Shrouded Leopard Species in El | World Anvil
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Shrouded Leopard

The beast lurked in the darkness, weaving through the underbrush with barely leaves shifting with barely a whisper. Its ears perk up, hear loud sounds nearby. Scenting the air its smells the unusual scent of a two-legged. Drawing near the beast crouches as it prepares an attack. a short was away a loud breathing two-legged sat near a small fire. They were making noises flailing their fur less limbs toward the forest on the other side of the small clearing.The beast heard more noises in on the other side and crept around the clearing to the other side. There a bigger two-legged stood, marking a tree. With there back to the beast it pounced, knocking the two-legged to the ground before bring its jaws down onto it neck. The beast dragged its prey away and up a nearby tree.  
"Are we lost?" asked a boy "No, Mitah we're not lost, its just got too dark, we'll camp here and see the trail in the morning" his brother replied beginning to stack sticks for a fire. "But what about the beasts?" the boys lip quivered with his question. The older boy hesitated before speaking, attempting to put confidence in his voice "That's what the fires for, besides you have your big brother here to protect you" Unsure, the boy sat at the now started fire, knees pulled to his chest. He brother sat next to him, throwing a arm around his shoulder.

Basic Information


The shrouded leopard is subspecies of leopard. It is the smallest of the subspecies.
Scientific Name
Panthera pardus pruinis
Average Weight
Males: 60 lbs Females: 40 lbs
Average Length
Males: 62-74 in. Females: 52-65 in.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shrouded leopards have a distinct rosette color and pattern. Their fur is a dark green with brown rosettes matching the lush forest of their habitat. This makes them very deadly predators.

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