Medical Science Technology / Science in Eirath (Post Cataclysm) | World Anvil
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Medical Science

The study of medical science and practice of medicine is unique in Eirath with a constant back and forth between secular and religious knowledge. Prior to the events of the Divine Struggle, medical science was largely considered Heresy, and those who were found studying medicine (and most scientific venues) were put to the death. Since that time, religious restrictions were relaxed, and research in the field of medical science has begun to flourish.

Despite the advances in medical science, magical healing is still the preferred and more efficient way of healing. What takes a week to do naturally can be accomplished in moments with magic. The main reason magically healing is unavailable for most is the costs associated with it. However as the field advances crossovers between the two have already begun.


Generally medical science is used to establish a diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of ailments and the prevention of disease.
Access & Availability
The study and use of medical science grows more every year. It is widely available in capital cities, less so in towns, hard to find in villages and next to impossible outside of civilization.
It's medical technology, guess.
Until 2 P.C. the study of medical science was considered Heresy. Since the bans were lifted mainstream research has begun in medical science.

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