Asure Kingdom Organization in Edarlein | World Anvil
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Asure Kingdom


The pride and joy of the Asure military force is their Royal Navy, which is recognized by most as a very formidable, if not the most formidable, force to be reckoned with. Most of the royal family have associations with the navy, whether they served briefly, learned seamanship on their own, or simply paid many visits to the docks to inspect the ships.   
Those haughty Asurites think that because they're so good at sailing, they're unstoppable. They're proud of their fancy ships and sails. An "Iron Wall" they call it. Some wall! Just you wait my boy, when you get up close and personal with their soldiers, you'll see that "iron" is nothing but gilding!
— An Unknown Ignam General

Trade & Transport

The Asure Empire is one of three trading powerhouses in Edarlien, the other two being the Cargyos Alliance and the Dregnord Republic.

Strength and Valor

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure

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