Master Manipulator Character in Earth | World Anvil
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Master Manipulator

Mark Caten is completely human, but he is very observant. He is able to pick up on other people's weak spots. And when he is unable to pick up on it, he will send his dark elf servant to spy on people. As soon as he's able to pinpoint those weak spots, he will use them against those people. He has also been known to manipulate his bodyguards into doing things they don't want to do.   Mark Caten has given everyone he's met and works with at least one good reason to kill him. But none of them will do so out of fear of what will happen whether they succeed or fail.   Preyuna, in particular, would love to be the one to kill him. She even knows exactly how she would do it---with complete brutality. She wants him to grovel at her feet, broken and bleeding and begging for her mercy.   Unfortunately, she also knows that killing him would bar her from ever returning to her kingdom. And that is the only thing stopping her from ending him.   She's been trying to find someone else to do it for her, but they all refuse to cooperate.   Caten's bodyguards, who all have their own personal reasons to kill him, won't do it. They fear what will happen to their loved ones if they kill Caten.   Even Isellta, who is desperate to go back home, won't kill him. Initially, he was worried that killing Caten wouldn't change anything...that he and Preyuna would be forever trapped at Caten's place. But now he has a new fear. If he succeeds in killing Mark Caten, Caten's dark elf will kill Jay, Isellta's dearest friend at Caten's place. Isellta refuses to do anything that will endanger Jay. Plus, he does NOT want to kill Caten the way that Preyuna wants him killed.   Caten nearly got killed by an irate woman, but his bodyguards stepped in and saved him.

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