Cedar Forests of Esukani Geographic Location in Dulimun | World Anvil
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Cedar Forests of Esukani


Across the mountains from the Great Desert and south of Teshua lies in the kingdom of Esukani. The rugged land is one of many contrasts, with everything from lush forests to snow-capped peaks. The mountains nestle vast cedar forests - a prized asset for any ruler laying claim to them.

Fauna & Flora

Although the most prominent tree species is the cedar, there are numerous trees in the forests. These include oak, pine, and juniper. The long list of animals found in the forests includes wild boar, wild goats, hyenas, rabbits, hares, squirrels, jackals, brown bears, deer, leopards, aurochs, porcupines, and feral cats. Leopards also live in the region but are rare. Because of the varied animals found beneath the canopy, nobles living nearby often take the king on hunting trips. Favorite kills include bears, hyenas, deer, and boar. Unfortunately, centuries of hunting have seen the bear, leopard, and auroch population drastically decline.

Natural Resources

The most valuable natural resource is the timber derived from the many cedars. People in Esukani and beyond have several uses for cedarwood. The trunks of the tallest trees were prized for building the ceilings of the most impressive public works. Cedarwood is also used in shipbuilding, and to create luxurious chests and instruments. The trees also yield oil - known as cedrium. The fragrant oil was used to preserve corpses and alter the scents of perfumes and incense.


It has not been uncommon for rulers of Esukani to tour the invaluable groves. The king and their entourages would make the journey - wives, slaves, ministers, and children - along with their baggage trains. Huge feasts would be held in the shade of the sprawling trees. A favorite during these occasions includes a wine flavored with cedar resin. The strong-flavored cedar wine served as another reminder of the bounty of the Esukani king’s realm.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cedars_of_God     http://www.euforgen.org/species/cedrus-libani/     https://www.livius.org/articles/misc/cedar/

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