The Lennox Files Document in Dreaming Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Lennox Files

Lady Morgan Lennox was one of the most extraordinary explorers of The Faerie Wilds during the first decades of the 1900s. While her career was cut sadly cut short after she disappeared during one of her expeditions while she was trying to discover the legendary lost city of Avalon, her travel journals were found a few years back by an another party of brave explorers. Sadly, no-one has been able to decode the notes recorded on these pages yet, and it is the dream of every scholar on the matter of Avalon to be the one to do so. Some believe that these journals must be the key for finding the city that was lost long time ago, and thus, the key to the lost knowledge that was once held by the faekind.


The Lennox files consist of the seven hand bound journals, in which Lady Morgan Lennox recorded her journeys. It is believed that they hold both the listings of her findings, as well as the key to the location of the lost city of Avalon . Then again, there are those scholars who argue that the journals could be nothing more than personal diaries of the lady explorer.

Historical Details


Before the Lennox Files were discovered, the efforts to find the lost city of Avalon  had been almost completely abandoned, and the whole topic had become a laughing stock in the circles of the scholars. However, the finding of the files started a new Avalon boom, one of which still goes on. 

Authoring Date
From late 1800s to the late 1920s

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