The Moons of Reilux Geographic Location in Dragon Flight | World Anvil
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The Moons of Reilux

As legend goes, the Great Crafter God was in the process of building the moons of Reilux when he was seduced by another God/Goddess; and so he left his creation unfinished. Though he left several immortals to watch over the world itself, the moons we abandoned and don't hold the beauty of Reilux. There is one exception, the third and most distant moon, which sits like a green and blue pearl in the sky. Sadly its distance makes it difficult to truly appreciate it's beauty.   The middle moon is barren of any beauty, a simple plain red moon covered in crater strikes; the largest of the three. Half the size of the middle moon; the closest moon was built too close to Reilux, causing it's rotation to run opposite of the world, rolling across the sky in a constant eruption of storms, high winds, and lightning. If there is a surface, it is beyond view.


Tempest is covered with massive never ending storms of blue and green clouds, which make it impossible to see what the surface looks like. The closeness of Tempest to Reilux causes storms to constantly form beneath it's orbit; causing great harm to the planet below.   Regolith has a reddish rock surface, covered with craters from asteroid impacts. Many significant impacts have occurred on the moon's surface, resulting in an upthrust of rocks and dust, which often will be pulled into the atmosphere of Tempest, changing it's storms to more reddish in nature.   Martensii is too far for the people of (the planet) to identify any features; though unknown to them it is lush with life, and water, and plants.


The Great Crafter God abandoned his work on the moons, leaving them subpar. The people of Reilux are displeased by the moons and those educated in the history of the world blame the God for their appearances.
Alternative Name(s)
The closest moon is named Tempest, the largest and middle moon is named Regolith, and the farthest and most beautiful moon is named Martensii.
Planetoid / Moon

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