Ogre / Magre Species in Dragon Flight | World Anvil
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Ogre / Magre

The Ogre is a large, deadly, vicious species that devours all that it is able to; with its brute force and unnatural hunger. The Ogre species has recently begin invading the Human/Orc region in search of food, after striping it's land bare. They are a dumb species, with no foresight for the future, no drive towards technology or farming, only the need to kill, eat, and grow stronger.   The Magre, however, are a rare sub-breed of the Ogre species; possessing considerably less strength and endurance, but also possessing a stronger mind and a aptness for magic. Throughout the history of the Ogre region, Magres would be killed for their weakness. No Ogre would keep something that weak alive; and they often were devoured by their own kind. It wasn't until recently that a Magre was able to grow to adulthood, due to escaping into the deep wilds at a young age and eventually finding the Death Tower. This Magre was able to activate the relic after years of studying it while using the Tower as it's home to keep it safe and survive. Upon activation, the Magre learned deathly magical secrets; and the Tower itself killed all Ogres near it's location; granting that lifeforce as magic to the Magre.   Returning to the Ogre people, with this deadly magic, he quickly showed his dominance, slaughtering many without having to even get close to them. The Ogre, now fearing and respecting his great power, would not challenge his dominance. Under his guidance, the Magre were allowed to live, grow, and proper; eventually building the only city in the Ogre region and forcing the Ogres into slavery and servitude. All Magres are now taught the magics of the Death Relic.

Basic Information


Ogres - Large, thick, meaty, strong, unkept.   Magres - Large, muscular, tough, intelligent, and well kept.

Biological Traits

Ogres/Magres live between 0 and 30 years, stand over 9 ft tall, weigh a few tons, have thick skin, strong muscles, dense bones, keen noses, and unending hunger.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogres will breed often and will have litters of two to three young, some of which may survive. Magres are born from Ogres once every hundred children. Magres children may be either Ogres or Magres; though they only have one child at a time and a one in three chance of having a Magre.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ogres/Magres grow to adulthood within ten years; the process is difficult and painful, most not surviving due to physical deformities and hungry parents. Upon reaching adulthood, they have to be able to outfight others for food supplies. Growing up, they can usually survive on the bits that others leave behind and smaller prey.

Ecology and Habitats

Mountainous region, barren of trees and most life.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly meat.

Biological Cycle

The body of an Ogre / Magre does not grow at the same rate or the same time. Often one limb or another will grow significantly larger, with the bones piercing through the not yet toughened skin. Those that survive are incredibly durable.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Magres are the ruling class, Ogres are their slaves and laborers.


Magres have domesticated some of the Ogres.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Magres us Ogres as gathers of plants, though the Ogres no not what the plants are for. Magres use plants as food, drinks, dyes, and other useful products; Ogres believe that plants should just be smashed for fun.

Facial characteristics

Ogre - Thick squat head and nose, wide brow, deepset eyes, cauliflower ears, and massive wide mouths filled with thick sharp teeth.   Magre - Thich tall head and nose, wide brow, thick browed eyes, thin pointed ears, and massive mouths filled with wide sharp teeth.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Live within the Ogre Region and are currently expanding into the Human Region.

Average Intelligence

Ogre - Very dumb.   Magre - Very Intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ogres - Loud booming voices, strong sharp teeth, muted hearing from thick meaty ears, strong sense of smell, thick and course to the touch.   Magres- Loud voices, strong sharp teeth, keep hearing from pointed slim ears, strong sense of smell, thick and smooth to the touch.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Ogres do not have names. Magres are beginning to use names.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is not something Ogres see; though Magres are starting to become craftsmen and can see the beauty in some objects.

Gender Ideals

Strong survives and mates, gender isn't important.

Courtship Ideals

If you don't kill each other, you can mate.

Relationship Ideals

No relationship. Young are left to fend for themselves.

Average Technological Level

Minor technological advances within the Magre city, such as walls, ceilings, fire, art, cups, etc.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Etiquette Rules


Common Dress Code

None, though some Magres are beginning to cloth themselves in furs.

Culture and Cultural Heritage


Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals


Common Taboos



Ogre history is none existent until the last several years; when Magres came into power. Since then they have formed a city and led the Ogres to several victories within the Human lands.

Historical Figures

The Magre that conquered the land. Does not have a name.

Common Myths and Legends


Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As with everything Ogre or not Ogre, you are either food or not food.
Scientific Name
Large Humanoid
Created by the Immortal Beings, like all other species of the world.
5 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Ogre - Terrifyingly strong   Magre - Muscular
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ogres - Tans and Brown colored skin.   Magres - Blue and Black colored skin.

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