Scrub Elf Ethnicity in Crystalia | World Anvil
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Scrub Elf

As their population grew, Many Elves left Evercana Forest to disperse and see the world. As the name suggests, one of these groups settled in the scrub lands and has over time adapted to them. The Scrub Elves have become associated with the lightning element due to their proximity to Electrico Tower and the Lightning Crystal. They also have a reputation for being hardy due to the harsh environment in which they live with its steady occurrences of sandstorms and dust bowls. Many Scrub Elves were displaced when the Dark Lord broke the seal placed upon them after 1,500 years. While most managed to get away, those who weren't so fortunate were either sacrificed or enslaved. They were freed once the Dark Lord was defeated for good by the Eight Heroes of Crystalia.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Arryn, Shandalar, Tyrael

Masculine names

Aien, Thuridan, Tolith

Unisex names

Lierin, Phraan, Sylvar

Family names

Aeynore, Caioris, Venxina


Major language groups and dialects

Shared customary codes and values

Hard work, endurance

Average technological level

Heavily mechanized, but they're not showy about it outside of industry.

Art & Architecture

A cross between Wild West and steampunk

Foods & Cuisine

Lizards, snakes, fruit

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

They observe most of the same customs as their Forest Elf ancestors but often put their own spin on them.

Common Taboos

Outsiders touching the ears

Historical figures

Thuridan Caioris--Modern Hero of the Lightning Crystal.


Beauty Ideals

Rugged charm; the stronger the muscles, the more attractive the elf.

Major organizations

Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Items
Languages spoken
Related Locations

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