Lucacrin Settlement in Cielon | World Anvil
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Lucacrin, or 'Luca', is the most well-known settlement of Luciferin. Around 400 Elytron have made their home in the town made of caves and tunnels and platforms ankered into the underside of the island it is located on.


The town is mostly Luciferin Elytron, a few other individuals of different species have settled down there but those are few. Not many people can deal with the darkness that The Underneath brings.


Lucacrin doesn't really have a government, if there is trouble, the eldest or most influential Lucans are asked for help, younger inhabitants often taking mentors among the older people of the town to learn the ways of their people.

Industry & Trade

Lucacrin is a mining town, the Elytron that live there are using the tunnels of the town to collect ores that their main trade partner, the Aguilas, need for their forges. The less stone-interested Lucans have started cultivating different sorts of moss and fungi to sell to the people of The Above, doing quite well for themselves.


Lucacrin is a town made of caves and tunnels and platforms ankered into the underside of the island it is located on. The central caves have many layers that end in a platform hanging above The Cloud.


There are frequent celebrations, the town is known for their light festivals and colourful light spectacles. There might not really be hotels or other places to stay since the Lucans prefer to stay among themselves but the neighbouring settlements on The Above have compensated and started profiting off of the Lucacrin festivals.


Caves in stone. Wooden platforms. There is not much fancy architecture going on. The most eye-catching would be the glowing moss that grows all around.


Lucacrin is located underneath a realtively big island, there are multiple smaller Krilo villages Above the town, among them one bigger Aquilan one.

Natural Resources

They have stone, metal and other ores en masse, they have to trade for wood and other materials with their neighbouring towns.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Luca, 'That Luciferin Hellhole'
around 400
Inhabitant Demonym
Lucan, Lucans

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