North American Werewolf Confederate Agreement Document in Chronicles of the Zamfir | World Anvil
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North American Werewolf Confederate Agreement

The NAWCA was the first large scale agreement between werewolves in Western history. It was the document that gave fundamental rights to all shifting wolves to justice and established the North American Werewolf Confederacy in 1725. The document itself is kept in the museum at the Denning Estate inside the D.C. Metro Area Neutral Zone  The agreement allowed werewolf packs to come into being in North America and established rule of law that would be respected by all. This included the rejection of practices that had been popular in Europe, such as infanticide and wars between packs. It was important to the founders to create a peaceful society in North America, as there was a significant amount of territory "available" to be claimed. The agreement did not take into account the North American Indigenous Wolves and was later amended to establish the Indigenous Packlands after the Council of Supernatural Peoples intervened after the civil war, at which time the packs were also forced to give up the practice of indenture or enslaving their own wolf-blooded to keep them from freely leaving their territory.    The agreement also founded the very first werewolf census  to occur across pack boundaries and, for the very first time, werewolf researchers were able to get a (more) accurate count of not only shifting werewolves who were registered by pack law, but also the wolf-blooded and children of the packs, as well. There was much concern about whether packs would accurately report their population in an attempt to hide women of child-bearing age and so the census was directly tied to the territorial map agreements that would be settled every twenty years, as well. Packs with a growing population were given preferential treatment in territorial disputes or conflicts due to expansion and were subject to providing proof of their population.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)

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