Lunar Communion Tradition / Ritual in Chronicles of the Zamfir | World Anvil
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Lunar Communion

Lunar communion is one of the only universally accepted rites among all werewolf factions. The practice changes up quite a bit based on individuals, families, and packs, but there are two items that are inherently universal to all lunar communions: singing and food.  


Most of the foods that are consumed at these events depend upon the location as local foods and natural products are the preference for offerings to Mother Luna, but at least across North America and Europe foods that are moon-shaped are a very desirable preference, especially in baked goods. This includes cookies cut to the shape of the crescent moon - some individuals have cookie cutters for the phases of the moon. Some make circular cookies and decorate them to match the phase of the moon or all of the phases. It depends, but this is a fairly staple item that can be found at almost every communion. Another is croissants. The original crescent cookies of Austria and Germany are popular, of course, but the puff pastry version brought to us by the French is universal and, if invited to commune with a new group of wolves, it is always acceptable to bring croissants and sometimes accepting an invitation to communion is phrased, "I will be happy to bring the croissants."   Other foods that are quite popular at these events are jellies and jams especially made locally as well as nectar from local fruit species. In that sense, fruit pies are also very common, especially when in season. There is usually some form of seafood plate as the sea is sacred to Mother Luna. Oysters are particularly popular due to the mother of pearl inside the shell and the lustre of the pearls they create, which are obviously not food but still associated with the creatures.  


The practice of singing to the moon is said to be part of the werewolf species itself and is even referenced in every version of the She-Wolf Creation Myth as Mother Luna's request as repayment for the gift of strength and the ability to shift. Humans love to sing and so do wolves, so naturally a werewolf does as well. This does not necessarily mean that all werewolves are particularly gifted singers, however. There is a philosophy among werewolves that the weakness of an individual is nothing to be ashamed of, but to be celebrated and shored up by the strengths of their fellow packmates, to whom they may help in another area of weakness. The strength of the group covering for the individual's imperfections is a key element of pack behavior and so it is applied to singing, as well. The result can be cacophonous and discordant in the extreme, but the point is to sing to Mother Luna, who only asked for singing and never specified it be any good. An excellent example of enthusiastic but terribly executed vocals is Geeraart White-Maas. he does not feel ashamed of this, however, as this flaw is accepted and only slightly teased when he manages something particularly awful-sounding.

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