Fae Species in Chronicles of the Mytherion | World Anvil
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Beings made from the nature of the land have come to be known as Fae, child like humanoids that are identified physically and socially by the Court they are born into. Currently there are three known Courts that have been identified to be found within the Doors that host more grown or forest-like environments. These three consist of the Court of the Bloom, the Court of the Beast, the Court of Renewal.

Court of the Bloom

The fae within this court nurture the growth of plants and the natural elements. They watch over the foliage and allow the growth of rare plants even in the harshest of conditions. Being protectors of the woodlands they take offense when those without permission take from the plants and cut down the trees they nurture, because of this they have proven to be a threat to the Divers that choose to collect such resources from a Door making an enemy of this tricky beings.

Court of the Beast

Following the course of nature, the fae within this court take care of the various beasts within their domain and raise them vigilantly. Though raising them in their humanoid form is difficult, many of them choose to take on the form of the beast they are currently caring for becoming part of their pack or other family while rarely ever returning to their natural image. This court is more bestial and defend their charges viciously hunting down anyone who chooses to harm them in any way, proving dangerous to any Diver not expecting revenge from their recent kill.

Court of Renewal

This final court is one that deals in the cycle of life within nature and brings those who have perished into the next step of rebirth along the cycle. These beings are rarely seen and mostly deal with the spirits and elementals that assist in the nurturing of the more magical aspects of the land. When dealing with spirits it is known to be followed by its fae to protect it, so Divers should know to be wary that not all things are alone.

Basic Information


The known fae have been found to have a mixed appearance between that of a humanoid and other creatures found in nature.  
The Fae found within the Court of the Bloom have more insect-like ligaments and wings of dragonflies and butterflies even their skin is comprised of fine scales similar to those insects as well.
Those found within the Court of the Beast are rarely found in their natural forms instead opting to take the form of there selected charge, normally a beast. The distinguishing feature that reveals them to be fae would be the unnatural eyes that seem to be able to watch everything in their surroundings and extreme intelligence that betrays some of the beasts normal attitudes.
Finally the Court of Renewal are much more human-like albeit covered in more seasonal and elemental garb a kin to the fae found in literature and fable. Though these do not boast any wings instead opting to float about like a leaf stuck in the wind, rising with the air naturally and unnaturally at times all the same.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is unknown whether or not they need to eat for sustenance, though it has been observed that they will eat if offered fresh food.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All fae researched have shown to boast exceptional perception and senses able to distinguish even multiple people by the way they breath or sound. Though as acute as their senses are they are also that more sensitive to sharp sounds, smells and bright flashes.

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