Couragesta Tradition / Ritual in Cesaret | World Anvil
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Couragesta. A ritual people used to do before technology was invented, and after all the tribes decided to come together and become one. Back when people still believed and worshiped the courage spirit, they would hold festivals celebrating him. Couragesta was focused on bravery itself. It was a fun ceremony where everyone who attended could join in on the courage challenge. You go through series of challenges to test your bravery. There were no judges or anything, just the members and the trials. If you failed one you had to be in the coward square until the next challenge. But the winner wasn't always based on completing the challenges, but more on were you brave enough to attempt the challenge, and brave enough till the end of it. The person with the most courageous performance or most won challenges was labeled the braver Vogel(Brave bird in German)


It began after the nests came together. When they were one they realized many things about themselves. They could do so much more fun with their lives, but they also didn't want to forget the spirit that made fun possible. So they created the Couragesta festival. A combination of worshiping the courage spirit, and having fun.

Components and tools

They used many things. Mud pits, trees, boulders, polls, spikes, and so many others. They used all of this to create the courage trials. Jumping over boiling mud, climbing a wall of boulders, flying over spikes, weaving through tall polls, it was all to test your bravery. (None of the challenges were impossible and people were there to help anyone if a challenge was not finished or to help anyone who was harmed.)


Everyone could attend! This was for all avifaunas. But for safety you had to be over thirteen to complete the trials. Younger children were still aloud to watch and cheer on their fellow people.
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