The Theater of Auchochus Building / Landmark in Blomaria | World Anvil
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The Theater of Auchochus

An old theatre developed by Dwarves, it is a strange building where time seems to move slower than usual...

Purpose / Function

The theatre is meant to bring visitors back to the times in which Dwarves ruled over the Twisted Mountains and everything that was beneath it. Any person that enters the temple is immediately transported back to a time when the temple was just built, during the days of the Dwarf. Welcomed by Auchochus, the leader of the dwarves, the visitors are led through a museum on their way to the theatre. Here, many riches and valuables that the Dwarves dug up and created are displayed here.   Finally, in the theatre, a play is conducted by Auchochus, starring dwarves that try to entertain the visitor. Upon its end, the visitor awaits a (sometimes) unpleasant surprise....


Designed as a small amphitheatre, the building is an open-air theatre and an inside museum. Built mostly with stone mined from inside the Twisted Mountains, a distinct pattern is printed on the large pillars.


Centuries before the present day (6900), a community of dwarves living in Dunough created the theatre as a sort of time capsule of their grandeur. It was the time when dwarves were the rulers of the Twisted Mountains, and these dwarves wanted to let the future know that whatever would happen to them, their legacy would be preserved. A dwarven wizard by the name of Auchochus let his powers work to make the temple unchanging through time, and at the same time be an accurate reflection of the times in which it was built. This is why the temple has its signature effect on people that enter it.   The theatre stood on the same place for centuries, unchanging, unmoving. After the demise of the Dwarves, many people who didn't know of the purpose of Auchochus's theatre tried to remove it or visit it. They found that a removal is basically impossible. Once they visited it, they disappeared, mostly forever. The people that came back were mostly shocked and adopted customs that were not seen for many years.
Alternative Names
Temporal Theatre
Parent Location

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