The Catacomb of Ufruktbar Building / Landmark in Bloheron | World Anvil
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The Catacomb of Ufruktbar

In several places on Maughtykus there are Alvar buildings that were once used by tribunals. Although used infrequently, history still remembers the metal doors in the back of the chambers. Featureless with no sign of latch, lock, or hinge. History still remembers the highest punishment ever handed out. Should a tribunal need to be held to judge guilt, nearly every time the sentence was the same. It was one word: Ufruktbar. Beyond those metal doors that only opened to the command of an Alvar was known to be a catacomb. Few who were sentenced to Ufruktbar ever returned. Those that did return were scarred, broken, and bore haunted expressions. Scholars have speculated how all tribunal buildings have entrances to the same catacomb. The doors have thus far not yielded to any attempts to open them. Other spellcraft attempts to detect the space on the other side have equally failed. One probing mage commented that it seemed like their spell simply didn’t have enough range and that was the reason for failure. Not only have sentencings stopped since the disappearance of the Alvar, but the doors have also not opened to return anyone that could be asked. Fortunately, their questions were laid to rest with the discovery of some Alvar court records. The best translations do not match up with words for catacomb or labyrinth. Instead, there are words for jail, prison, guidance, and education. It is also clear that all the records only consider one location to be Ufruktbar. Since it is a location, it is not the name of the punishment itself. It is also hinted that Ufruktbar is “away, forbidden, elsewhere, where the heat of Blose (name of the central stellar body) is weak.” This has led astronomers to guess at there being a planet at the limits of the system. This is hotly debated as some claim the characters for “away” and “elsewhere” imply Ufruktbar must be within some transplanar or extra-dimentional space.

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