Negres Mountains Geographic Location in Bloheron | World Anvil
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Negres Mountains

The southeast rim of the Yollande Sea shares its coast with an expanse of ruined and sundered land. A grand range of mountains before the cataclysm that gouged out the depression which became the sea, shattered mountains, and heaved up new ones. A rocky land of sheer cliffs, fissures, jagged peaks, and deep ravines. By all accounts travel through the area is neither easy nor for the inexperienced. No roads penetrate the Negres Mountains, and what trails do are thin and only maintained by the trickle of foot traffic from the intrepid few with a taste for adventure. One road only cuts through a narrow part of the Negres connecting the port city of Nowvrond with the frontier town of Nowvnille. Punching due south in a deep cut with two broad lanes, and straight as an arrow, it was an ambitious project, and only with great expense was it completed. The road also marks the division between the less tumultuous mountains to the east and the ever increasingly heaved and shattered lands to the west. Much more of the east is explored on account of the proximity of two other seaside towns with the mountains at their back. Most of the conditions of the western range are assumed from what is known of the east. In addition to the usual flora making a slow comeback, many species of monstrosities have taken residence. Where large herds of mountain goats should be thriving, the few there are scatter at the smallest disturbance. Instead, the small pika is thriving. Brave trappers can return with enough pelts to fill their purses to bursting. Although small, the fur is warm and well regarded by garment makers. Recent surveys by airship have noted the completed reconstruction of the citadel at Noborkva in the west and a great number of large flying creatures living in the taller peaks. Signs of at least one nomadic tribe were also seen, and some evidence of permanent seasonal camps.

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