Aquila Species in Bataf | World Anvil
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When traveling through mountainous terrain, travellers can sometimes spot a deep dark blue blur from the corner of their eye, as if piece had broken of and gained a will of its own. if the storm disappears from sight the traveller can consider himself lucky, but if the cloud's shape becomes recognisable one needs to prepare for a fight of survival. For they have been chosen as the next prey of the great aquila.

Basic Information


The Aquila is an enormous two-headed eagle with a coat of deep blue feathers and a tan underside. It has two long thin necks on which two eagle heads with It has a wingspan 8 metres wide.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The leftmost and rightmost eye of the aquila are used in a psychedelic alcoholic beverage known as Sour Aquila Tequila. The eyes are first fermented before being shoved into the tequila bottle, giving the drink its sour taste. Those who have drunk this beverage swear the following psychedelic trip is prophetic in nature, revealing to them visions of the future and past.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Certain eyes on each of the two heads of the aquila have a potent magical ability. Its left eye on its left head can see the past, which it uses to track prey. Its right eye on its right head can see the future, which it uses to protect itself. The two eyes in the middle are able to see the present, which the aquila uses to find its prey just before it strikes.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The aquila is a common feature on coats-of-arms for royal houses and wizards. It symbolises both imperial might and wisdom. Its association with imperial might stems from an ancient legend that states that there once were two ancient Arcandian Duarchs who were both mighty warriors and pious priests of Myttena, the Arcandian metal goddess. The people began worshipping them more than the Arcandian air god, and he became deeply angered with the Duarchs. It was only for the begging of the metal goddess that he did not smite them, and instead he turned them into a singular being, the first aquila. After their transformation the air god calmed down, and as remorse for his unfounded anger he crowned the aquila the king of the birds.

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