Slave Mark Document in Bane of the Shadow | World Anvil

Slave Mark

Every Tilgish has a mark that denotes what Khuzgish house he or she belongs to. The mark is usually in the shape of something found in nature (or used to be in nature).  

Mark Origination

This genetic marker places the tatto in the middle of the forehead. It isn't a brand, but a symbol the slave is born with--carefully, and the Khuzgish say painlessl--worked into their DNA before birth. The Khuzgish family will have a paper with the same mark, denoting their ownership of the Tilgish slave.   A variant on the mark will pass to any children that slave will have. Marks remain for the slave's entire life. Removal isn't possible. The healed flesh will grow back with the mark--even scar tissue has the same effect.  
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Ensuring Tilgish Welfare

In the case that a Khuzgish family can no longer care for the slave, the paper is passed to a family who can. Before abandoning the Tilgish on desolated Ziln, the Khuzgish were decent masters to their slaves. Even slaves were citizens. They just had fewer rights. No slave may be beaten or mistreated. The court levies high fines on any who did harm a slave. The Tilgish were the prized workforce, since the Khuzgish wanted to pursue more lofty ideals and professions.   Slaves could not hold land. But they could have a house on land that was held in a trust for them. They did not have a voice in government per say. Though, a Tilgish Rights committee saw to their needs and half the group were Tilgish, voted in by their peers.  
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For the proof of ownership, in case there is a dispute over the slave in question. And for the legal transaction stating a Khuzgish family is responsible for the Tilgish person.   The slave mark, entitles the Tilgish to do business on behalf of his or her master--purchase goods, deliver invitations, etc.   Differentiation can sometimes require a genetic scan.
Tarc Ot' Deptal Shungish by Amy Winters-Voss
Tarc didn't hide his mark, when he became a shadow.

Identification, Civil (Passport/ID Card)
Vellum / Skin

Cover image: by TanteTati from Pixabay


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