Reborn City of Haven Settlement in Awldor | World Anvil
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Reborn City of Haven

In this world, villages often need to remade, towns less often, and cities almost never. The reason for the "almost" is due to the story behind the city of Haven...
— Alicia Ravenwood, Historian


  Magic Storms are a frequent occurrence in a world that was shattered by wild magics many years ago. Such storms have a history of cropping up and destroying the unwary village or even a town. Cities usually do not get destroyed by such storms as they should be protected by magic shields. There was a city that did not have such a defense, and that city was called Haven. It was believed their area was free of the terrifying specter of magic storms, until that belief was shattered by harsh reality. A storm more powerful than most appeared suddenly in 1180AGC and practically leveled the city of Haven in a matter of hours. When the storm cleared the surviving citizens beheld a wasteland.

A City Reborn

  Not content to let the city they worked so hard to build remain in ruin, the Havenites quickly set about rebuilding it. Within five years they already had buildings more grand than those leveled by the previous storm. This was possible due to the help the Havenites received from nearby towns and villages once word of the devastation reached them. After seven years, the city was rebuilt to be stronger than ever and it now had a powerful magic shield. Now the city is truly a haven from the destruction of magic storms and so retains its name.   It was also around the time of reconstruction that the Annual Baker's Festival of Isychia had become the main event of the city and the surrounding valley.


Other cities should be jealous, Haven is the place to be if you want a majestic vista.
— Artur Neha, Traveler
    Haven was established in the Isychia Valley , a place where magic storms and other such magical disturbances are rare. The valley even includes several large lakes, streams that feed the lakes, and the Evening Mountains that can seen in almost every direction from the city. This valley is located on the Continental Island of Dammerung.
  A lot of these natural wonders were badly damaged when the storm hit, and it took several years for many wildlife to return and for saplings to become trees. It is said that it will take many years more before everything returns to what it was before. A sobering reminder that the world's efforts to heal itself can be so suddenly undone within an afternoon by the chaotic whims of wild magic. One wonders if the world as it was before the The Great Collapse will ever be known again.

Founding Date
850AGC and 1180AGC
Alternative Name(s)
The Phoenix of the Valley
Location under


  • Armorers
  • Bakeries
  • Blacksmiths
  • Stables
  • Taverns
  • Alchemy Shops
  • Climbing Academy

Note(s) from the Archivists:

  Did they not have a mage with them? - Archivist Theta   They did, but their mages were completely overwhelmed when the storm hit without warning. They say it was largest storm ever to be seen on the continent. - Archivist Edward   I guess anything can happen. - Archivist Theta

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