Lunarians Ethnicity in Awldor | World Anvil
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The Lunarian people may be dreamers, but they secretly dream big.
— Sanev Vensandoral, Master Mage


  The Lunarians are a reserved people who revel contemplation and the artistic and useful merits of magic. They have their own eye towards the restoration of the golden age like that of the The Ancient Order. Under the leadership of Queen Shava Lunaria, they conduct their plans patiently and quietly. How long this is to last, no one can say for certain. It is rumored that there are elements that believe Lunaria's position has been too soft in relation to the belligerent Kingdom of Helia. Though they survived one onslaught, many worry that the Queendom will not survive another. This concern is not readily apparent to one walking about the streets of the Silver City of Luna though.


Magical Body Paint

  Status and experience in Lunaria is often displayed via magical patterns painted on their bodies. Painted patterns are often imbued with magics to enhance one's greatest strengths. This may include strength, perception, or intelligence. They can come in any color- often to the liking of the wearer. Paints may be placed anywhere on the body (within reason). The more merit a particular individual demonstrates according to the customs of Lunarian society, the more patterns they may wear.   The application of paint must be conducted by skilled mages. The application of a new pattern is often celebrated by close friends and family in honor of the individuals milestone. The face and body paint are permanent and require a special procedure to remove. Involuntary removal of painted patterns is a form punishment.   Lunarian body paint often mimics a favored or appropriate constellation from the night sky. The crescent moon is also a common design. Facial and body paint patterns may glow in the dark when the wearer wills it- the skill to do so must often be taught.  

Starry Clothing

  Lunarians like to wear clothing that are evocative of the stars and moon and other objects found in the night sky. Some of the most expensive clothing are very like a wearable night sky, with stars that twinkle as they do in the night. A crescent moon is a prominent design on more formal clothing. Use of magic allows for effects not possible with the usual physical materials.  

Eyes to the Stars

  Lunarians hold the celestial realm in special regard. Night is a cherished time of day for that is when the stars and other celestial bodies can be seen. To the average Lunarian, the stars represent a realm untouched by the cataclysms of the The Great Collapse. It is believed that the destinies of everyone are mapped in the stars, but that these maps are hidden to all but the worthy. Astronomy is a highly regarded profession, Queen Shava Lunaria herself is said to consult the stars and the moon directly for answers. Thus, Lunarian knowledge of the heavens is considered unmatched by any post-collapse peoples on the continent.   Ancient knowledge concerning the stars are highly sought for, and a Lunarian would not hesitate to pay handsomely for further insight on the moon and stars.  


Secret Rituals

    Lunarian society is built on secretive esoteric rituals. It is through these rituals that the elders of Lunarian society pass on their most profound wisdom to the young. Wisdom learned and preserved by Lunarian society throughout the centuries. There is a hierarchy of rituals that a Lunarian is challenged tasked to ascend throughout their life. It is truly a life-long mission. Most do not reach the highest levels of secrets, but this is not seen as failure if the journey was undertaken with honest intent and effort.. The few who do are suitably rewarded and respected and charged with the responsibilities of the highest offices. All Lunarians are encouraged to proceed through the rituals at their own pace.   Outsiders are invited to observe or even undergo most of these rituals provided they prove themselves worthy. Outsiders who have observed or underwent a ritual are obligated to keep the secrets they learn as any other member of Lunarian society would. As such, written material on these rituals is rare and usually illegal. There are a handful of rituals reserved for native Lunarians and which outsiders are prohibited from observing let alone participate. It is suspected that these most secretive rituals involve key knowledge for the continued survival of Lunaria, especially rituals exclusive to the royal family.   To many outsiders, the secrets the Lunarians keep are regarded with suspicion. Many tales have been weaved regarding the true nature and intent of Lunarian rituals with most designed to be unflattering. Some in Lunaria argue that some rituals should be made public to allay some suspicions, but such proposals have been rejected.  

Note(s) from the Archivists:

  They certainly like their magical arts and crafts. And their quietness is a little creepy to be honest. - Archivist Rena   I think the quiet is what is refreshing when visiting Lunaria. Especially when you live in a merchant city most of the time. - Archivist Enna   I personally found the rituals to be enlightening. - Archivist Taenya    Really? How so? - Archivist Enna   Now that would be telling. - Archivist Taenya

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Cover image: by starfarertheta


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Jun 4, 2021 17:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love how mysterious this culture is, but that they still share stuff with outsiders if they prove themselves worthy. The magical body paint sounds amazing too.

Aug 17, 2021 21:26 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Quiet, mysterious, mystic— these are a pretty intriguing bunch!