Espren Square Building / Landmark in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Espren Square

"This square was once a place of worship. Various statues once bordered this square but now reduced to piles of rubble. The enormous stone slab which comprise the square, aren't cracked or broken. However, a millennia of dirt and dust have fallen upon it, creating soil from which weeds, scraggly grass, and pathetic shrubs grow. You find a series of tracks, fresh ones, not Human tracks, which lead to an obscured stone stairwell leading downwards, under the square of worship. You can tell that this passage was hidden until very recently. A large stone square has been pried up and dragged to the side. The non-human footsteps you've been following lead downwards." - The Journal of Feye Lyne.


During the battle where Ezmyre was defeated and disincorporated, Ezmyre burst forth from Lower Sedas, collapsing much of the square.
Temple / Religious complex
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