Glasscraft Technology / Science in Atiz | World Anvil
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The Painted Glass in the Emperors Throne Room Header artist - Barbara Witkowska -      

Origins of Glass:

The art of glass making was discovered by the Ancient Kal people. Their civilization was on the desert continent of Kal'atiz to the east of Valsgard. The origins of Glassmaking remain a mystery, however it is believed that a star fell in the desert turning the sand to glass. The natural glass that was formed was able to be knapped like the stones that the Kal were using to make arrowheads, knives and spears. However the glass was very brittle, but very sharp.  

Manipulation of Glass:

It is not know who first discovered that the glass could be melted together to form a molten form that could be worked by the crafters, but the world is grateful for this discovery. These crafters would a fix globs of molten glass to metal tubes and then the glass can be blown and manipulated into a wide variety of shapes, such as vials, vases, cups, goblets. The glass can also be flattened and made into panes.  

Creation of Glass:

After these initial discoveries, the glass crafters began to experiment with different sand compositions, and eventually they discovered how to make glass for themselves, and the world was changed. Glass became a highly prized commodity, and The Kal people had a monopoly, allowing their civilization become the prime civilization on the planet.  

Spread of Information:

In the early days of the craft, the secret was held closely by the Kal Glass crafters, but eventually it made its way to Wu Lin in the south, and from there to Vallsgard.  

Valsgardi Glass:

In the eastern reaches of Valsgard lies the Badlands of Pel, a arid rocky region, where the sands can be used to create new glass. The region has gravels of ideal content and the glass made there is generally believed to be the best in the world.   The Valsgardi built a settlement in the region, called Nifel. Nifel rose in prominence and wealth due to the production of Valsgardi glass, however it is the only industry in the region, and the Badlands of Pel are known to be very harsh and inhospitable.

Natural Desert Glass:   The first glass was created by the superheating of the sand from the falling star that landed in the deserts of Kal'Atiz.

Painted Glass:

Artist - Joel Grubben -   Small pieces of glass are affixed together with sections of fused metal to create a flat pane of glass.  In time the glass crafters began to create artistic panes depicting scenes and images.   These Painted Glass panes became highly coveted and demanded huge sums.   These panes became status symbols among the elite.  

Blowing of Glass:

Artist - Molly Swift -   Utilizing the techniques of melting glass and afixing the molten glass to a metal tube, the glass crafters acheived new levels of manipulation. Blowing air through the tube caused the glass to expand like a balloon and allowed the crafters to manipulate the glass into bowls, vases, goblets and many other shapes that are useful in everyday life.  

Examples of blown glass:

Artist - Austin Reeder -

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