Cuchillas Gemelo Organization in Astronasia | World Anvil
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Cuchillas Gemelo

The Cuchillas Gemelo is a close association of rangers who dedicate themselves to hunting outlaws and making the countryside of Astronasia safer. The Gemelo is more of a close association then a true organisation, and its members neither have to or get paid by the organisation, although donations are always welcome. Members can use their affiliation with the Gemelo to gain aid from local law enforcement and to get a free drink at bars. Donated money is used by the Cuchillas Gemelo to organise training days for young members and to improve infrastructure around the continent in order to make them safer.


When one wants to become a member they simply have to sent the money of their first bounty, and a proof of legitimacy to one of the organisations minor outposts. These outposts will then sent the proof to their secret headquarters were the proof is reviewed. If the proof is considered legitimate and the bounty impressive enough a letter of acceptance will be sent back to the soon-to-be blade in which the applicant is asked to solve a series of riddles in order to find the secret location of the headquarters. At the headquarter the new recruit is trained in the art of bounty hunting and gets teamed up with another recruit to form a duo. Once the duo finish their training they each receive a half of a badge which together identifies the duo as blades of the Gemelo.   The common members of the Gemelo are known as blades, and they are expert bounty hunters. Blades always work in pairs for safety and support while tracking their marks. The Gemelo believes that its blades can better concentrate when they don't constantly have to worry about someone sneaking up on them and can get more rest knowing someone is keeping an eye out. Blades generally are expected to seek out their own jobs and marks but sometimes they receive a special assignment from the scimitars.   The scimitars are the oldest pair of blades and they lead the Cuchillas Gemelo. Their identities are a mystery in order to protect them from any attacks from ne'er-do-wells seeking revenge for their own boys.


The Cuchillas Gemelo own series of outposts which keep guard over important roads and can be used by blades as temporary safe-houses. The Gemelo also own their very own fortress known as Susur Fortress. Susur Fortress stands on a high cliff in Paterreagh and is only approachable by a single path up the mountain. Fortress has a central training ground, a defensive keep, an armourer, and a blacksmith. Food gets brought in by recruits sent out to hunt and by trusted traders who themselves have been former members of the Cuchillas Gemelo.

When one blade protects, the other can smite

Corporation, Security
Alternative Names

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