Chupacabra Ethnicity in Astronasia | World Anvil
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Chupacabras are a group of humanoid creatures closely related to the Gnolls. Unlike Gnolls however they more closely resemble xolo dog's than hyenas. Chupacabras are sanguivores, which means that they use blood feed themselves and to keep themselves hydrated in the arid desert lands which they call home. However when they get the opportunity to eat another type of soft food, such as a piece of fruit or eggs, they will gladly take it. Chupacabras travel under the shifting sands of the Coarse Sea in giant Death Worms which they call Desert Subs. They often only come to the surface in order to trade with others for livestock and other necessities.


Shared customary codes and values

Chupacabras are nomadic by their very nature. In the early days they travelled around to stalk their prays in the arid savannas. Later they began to trade with agrarian communities who thought them how to herd livestock which shifted the focus of their travels from stalking prey to finding greener pastures for their flock to graze on. Eventually however they would be pushed back to less and less favourable lands as their old homes were taken over by peoples who preferred a more stationary lifestyle. Eventually they were pushed all the way back to the coasts of the Coarse Sea. Here they would learn how to tame the mighty Death Worms which allows them to travel around the desert with ease. Chupacabra's prefer the quiet of nature and the tribe over the hustle and bustle of civilisation. In those rare cases that a chupacabra does decide to settle down they get looked at with suspicion as most people believe them to be nothing but vampiric menaces who suck those around them dry.

Common Etiquette rules

Chupacabras often come over as very charming, if a bit odd and direct to those who trade with them. They have a friendly demeanour and don't like to brag. However when they interact with other chupacabras or with gnolls their less charming side comes out. They often yell at each other or command each other around in a bossy and rude voice. The reason why they do this is because chupacabras hold the believe that in a distant past they were the traditional royal class of the gnoll family. Gnolls who hear this however are quick to put them back into their place with a quick slash.

Coming of Age Rites

The chupacabra have an inherent hatred for the vampiric Jackalope, and will fight them on sight. When the chupacabra were still primitive the two species would do this for dominance and the right to feed off the locale prey. Nowadays wrestling with a jackalope is seen as a right of passage in which a young chupacabra proofs that he is strong enough to be considered a man. Young chupacabras will go on a quest which sometimes takes well over a year to find one. They have to travel far outside of their desert homeland to find the mighty, and nearly extinct beast, all the way back in the forests near the lands were their species once evolved. Most chupacabras do not know this, but they do feel a hinge of familiarity when entering there.

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