Innu humped sheep

"One of the strangest mysteries in Innu is the small colony of Emerald Sloth and their use of innu humped sheep wool to make nets to capture prey.

— All lifeforms of arnd, great and small.

"So students, which of you can tell me which is the hardiest herbivore in Kagomei."


"The black bull."


"The Lavali running ram."


"All reasonable choices, all incorrect. It's the Innu Humped Sheep, which isn't a sheep at all, but a ram, like it's cousin, the running ram."


"Why is it hardiest?"


"It can survive in the Innu Badlands, including the Itzaiitai Plateau where arndans without special equipment will perish. It can also survive monsoon conditions, the lavali breed is hardy, indeed, but the weather is much calmer, and less extreme, although the altitude and cold are challenges, they do happen for months at a time in Innu as well.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The hump it shows allows it to survive in hostile conditions, having adapted to rough living over millenia. It is similar to the Lavali Running Ram, who lacks the hump, but has the ability to climb vertical surfaces in its native mountains.

Additional Information


The humped ram is fully domesticated, and was chosen for domestication for its hump, which allows it to keep energy reserves for months at a time.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Innu province's main exports are highland cheeses, made from this goat's milk, the meat and leather from it, and grasses from the plateaus it culls wild herbs from. Most Innu think of the Ram as their symbol, and a cherished pet if they own one as a family.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Ovis gmelini musimon
Conservation Status
Least concern, Domesticated, multi-continental reach.


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