Wilder Halfling Ethnicity in Arcoria | World Anvil
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Wilder Halfling

East of Sunset Mountains that border the Alliance, the Wilds is a desert land whose predominant population consists of beasts and wandering tribes. Most of these tribes are orcs and some are halflings. These tribal peoples consider themselves as belonging to their tribe, and not to a collective group of tribes, but those in the Alliance call them all Wilders, people from the Wilds. The halflings share some of the traditions of the orcs, and while other traditions are unique to the smaller race.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Names are very important to halflings. They have alliterative names, and their family names have two parts, usually words for things found in nature. This comes from their heritage which, halfling legend holds, originated in the great forest of Cemrys. This is why wilder halflings often have family names that include plants and animals that are not found in the deserts where they live.

Because halflings are particular about keeping their names alliterative, it is traditional for halfling women to change only the second half of their last name to match their husband's name when they get married. For example, when Sylvia Sunstone married Darius Dragonrose, she became Sylvia Sunrose.

Some halfling family names include Applethorn, Brightmoon, Dragonrose, Fireflower, Quicksilver, Shadowswift, and Sunstone.


Major language groups and dialects

Wilder halflings speak Halfling. Many of them also speak Orcish, and some of the more learned ones study Sylvan due to the stories of their ancestors.

Shared customary codes and values

Wilders, and particularly wilder halflings, value honor and strength. Their goal is to protect their family and their tribe above all else and at any cost. If a wilder halfling is challenged to single combat, that challenge must be met in a fair fight.

Common Etiquette rules

Wilders don't stand on ceremony, but for halflings, names are the one important piece of etiquette. When a wilder halfling meets someone, they are expected to introduce themselves by giving their full name, what tribe they are from, and if applicable, the role they play in that tribe.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Wilders burn their dead with their weapons in hand. They believe that dying in battle is the only honorable way to die, and that the bodies of those who meet that fate should be burned with their weapons in hand to allow their spirits to return to the world of spirits in peace.


Gender Ideals

Halfling men and women are both expected to be warriors. The chief of a tribe is usually a title that is passed down from each halfling man to his son, until that title is challenged by single combat. Because the men are expected to be the leaders of the tribe, warbands are often led by the women of the tribe when conflict arises with another tribe.

Major organizations

The best-known tribe of wilder halflings is the Dragon Tribe, which is known among the east and those who have travelled there for their ferocity in battle.

Related Organizations

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