Jade Tiara Myth in Arburg | World Anvil
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Jade Tiara

"You do know why they call it Lake Helena, right?" Ten-year-old June looks at Logan intently. For once, she was the one telling the stories around here.
"Duh! Of course I do. King Harold I loved Queen Helena very much, so he named the lake after her." Logan rolls his eyes. June isn't going to outsmart him here. He knows Arburg's history very well.
"Wrong!" June's eyes glitter in triumph, "that's not quite it at all. Sure, Harold I really loved Helena, but that wasn't exactly why the Lake got its special. It was her favourite lake of all to go to. She loved swimming in it and just spending time around there. When she got married to Harold I, he gave her a very special tiara, the Jade Tiara. It was the beautiful thing to ever exist in all of Arburg, and people say that nothing was ever made that was more beautiful. Harold I commissioned a goldsmith to make it for her 21st birthday, and it took the smith several months to finish, and he worked through the day and the night to finish it in time." June sighs dreamily. "I wish I could have seen it. They say it was made of pure gold, and the band was so elaborately made, with lots of twisty bits. Then, in the middle, there was the most beautiful jade gem ever. In the sunlight, it glittered splendidly, and anyone who saw it was in awe of it." Lowering her voice to a whisper, "Some even say that it was an enchanted tiara, and that it had magical powers."
At this, Logan squinted at her, "Yeah right. Magic doesn't exist, June. Just stop it now. I know you're trying to make me believe one of your stupid stories again."
"No, Logan, wait! I promise, I'm not making this up! I actually heard this. First, Daddy told me, and then I heard it at school."
Folding his arms and looking dubious, Logan asks, "Oh yeah? Why isn't it around anymore then, huh?" "That's the best part of it all. I was coming to that, you know. Helena loved the Jade Tiara, and some say that she even had a personal bond with it. One day, Helena went for a swim in the lake, and she forgot that she was still wearing it, so when she was drying herself off, she was shocked to find out that she wasn't wearing her tiara anymore. She immediately dove into the water and spent two hours diving down and trying to find it. But, as you know, Lake Helena is super deep, and she couldn't find it. Anyway, that's the real reason why the Lake is called Lake Helena. They say that, while the tiara is still in that Lake, it will be called Lake Helena, since it is like a piece of her soul that was lost in the Lake. If someone finds it someday, it might be called something else in celebration of it being found."
Logan's eyes are wide. "Do you think that that's maybe why she died soon afterwards, June? Like, maybe she lost the tiara and also her strength."
"That's impossible. She died while she was giving birth. That's a very difficult thing to do, you know. Well, of course you don't know. You're a boy - you can never understand the difficulties of pregnancy and childbirth."

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