1st Boresian War Military Conflict in Alana | World Anvil

1st Boresian War

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
The Elves of Lymyra fight back against the attacking dwarves of Magramine and their newly built titanforged warriors as the dwarves try to push out the borders of their kingdom to expand to the south.

The Conflict


The dwarves of Magramine were always fiddling with machines and constructs to help them with their mining business and other hard work. When the magic material Aeum was discovered, they found a way to create autonomous and self-aware machines that were also nearly impossible to destroy. After building three dozens of those, they had no better idea than to immediately attack the neighbour kingdom in the south, Lymyra. Their goal was to get access to the volcanic area that covers a big part of the land of the elves.   Officially the war lasted almost seven years, but it was over after a couple of days when the elves confronted the Titanforged in the crater between Magramar and Lymyra. The dust raised by the fights contained enough Aeum to create powered up clouds that overloaded the Titanforged and rendered them useless. The dwarves were not strong enough to fight the elves without their constructs and withdraw.   However, the quick loss was a great embarrassment for them and they tried to hide the fact by letting the war officially go on for years. At least once a month they confronted the elves, be it by shouting obscene words towards the elves or throwing small rocks at them. After seven years they got tired and published the news, that the "elves finally stopped their unprovoked attacks" and declared peace.

Historical Significance

Technological Advancement

With the passing of time, the Titanforged became more aware of themselves and pulled out of most jobs the dwarves gave them. Some of them did help to build machines that could fill in for the Titanforged, but most of them followed their own interests.
A world full of wonders.
Start Date
2108 PB
Ending Date
2115 PB

Cover image: article-header-event by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Dec 29, 2020 00:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'After seven years they got tired and published the news, that the "elves finally stopped their unprovoked attacks" and declared peace.' Wow, just wow. What buttholes. XD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
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