ACT 1 - Chapters 10 - 12 Plot in Aerda | World Anvil
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ACT 1 - Chapters 10 - 12

Chapter 10
The scene fades in as a massive dust cloud begins to settle, the music will be silent. The player will hear sounds of Arc and Cara coughing from the dust. A scene will show Arc looking for Cara in the dust and finding her among the rubble. He drags her out and asks makes sure she's alright. He'll help her up and they'll have a short discussion on what to do after they yell for help with no answer from above. The title "Ancient Desert Temple of the Forgotten Keeper" will appear and then fade. Cara will say that it looks like they're in the remains of an old Aldar temple and that they commonly had halls, rooms, and tunnels beneath them and that they should search for another exit. Control is given to the player and they must navigate through the tunnels while solving a puzzle or two. Afterwards they will end up in a tall sanctuary type room, Arc will suggest camping there for the night and will make a fire. There will be a scene here where Arc and Cara sit together beside a small fire and talk about each other. Cara will share some stories about her childhood and Arc will tell her stories of his childhood. They marvel at the carvings and murals on the walls around them depicting the Arvalis and the deeds of some Keepers. They eventually decide to go to sleep. The scene will fade to black and the fade back in with them starting to wake up. Arc will rub his eyes and then see Rael sitting on a rock across from them, stoking the fire. Immediately Arc springs up and brandishes his weapon. However Rael assures them that he is not there for a fight, but to talk. He introduces himself as Rael, an Artesian emissary doing secret military trades with Frewen. He explains that Artesia and Frewen have struck an arms deal in which Frewen trades money and security for weapons and labor from Artesia. Rael serves as voice between the two nations and makes sure that everything is done without fail and with discretion. Arc and Cara question him on why he’s following them and he states that he’s merely making sure that everything goes according to the plan. He tells Cara that she should return to Frewen, then proceeds to threaten them saying that if they try to continue on to Silverspire that he will indeed kill every one of them. Arc asks him why he doesn't just kill them there and he says that he's not a monster and is offering them a chance to walk away and reinstate their citizenship in Frewen without consequence or fear of death. Cara urges Arc not to believe him and that Rael is lying to them. Arc points his weapon at his face and tells him to leave them alone. Rael doesn't flinch but gives a sly smile. He walks forward and says to Arc that he's not afraid of "some country orphan boy with a savior complex". He then looks at them both and scoffs saying, "You think she'd want to be with you?" Arc and Cara look at each other and say nothing. Rael continues by saying that he recommends they end their stupid pilgrimage and return to Frewen; to make the right choice. He then warns them again that if they don't, he will continue to hunt them down and kill them all if he has to. Arc stands his ground and says that nothing would ever stop him from protecting Cara. Rael scoffs again and then walks away and disappears into the shadows. Cara says that they need to find the exit and tell the others. Control is given back to the player and they must continue through the temple. Soon they will reach the exit. Upon exiting the temple, there will be a scene with them coming out and looking around at the scenery. They will shield their eyes because of the bright sunlight and soon they will hear Finn yelling their names. They turn and see the party coming over a hill. Finn runs to Arc and gives him a hug, happy to find them alive and Triss gives Cara and big, ecstatic hug. The party reunites and Cara tells them all about their meeting with Rael. Arc tells them that if they give up and return to Frewen, Rael has promised them immunity from being executed or imprisoned in any way. Frith rejects it right away saying that it's a trap and that they'd surely kill them if they returned. Frith also tells them that Rael is much more dangerous than he appears to be and that he isn't just some bounty hunter. They unanimously agree that King Frewen is the big bad villain and that they must get to Silverspire as quick as possible. Dyne opens a map and tells the team that in order to reach the next port city, they must first travel through The Quicklands, a sea a quicksand that contains massive sandworms that must be ridden. The scene fades to black.  
Chapter 11
The scene opens up on the world map. The player is given control and can explore the map a little bit, giving them the option to return to the Sahleed Desert and to the Temple if they so choose. If they travel east they will encounter the Quicklands and prompted to enter. Once they enter, there will be a cinematic reveal of the landscape, showing off the various pools of quicksand and arid landscape. The title "The Quicklands" will appear and then fade. The party will walk into the scene and Arc will say that the quicksand looks dangerous and should be avoided. Dyne will say the Quicksea should be just ahead of them not too far. Control is given to the player and they must navigate eastward through the Quicklands, avoiding quicksand pits. Scattered throughout the area there will be collectible items used for synthesizing healing and buff items. In order to cross the Quicklands, the player will need to make good use of Triss's rope, swinging across pits and for climbing small rock faces. Eventually, they will reach the Quicksea. Once there, there will be a cinematic montage of the Quicksea and a shot of a great sandworm coming out the quicksand. The party will be awed by it and approach a group of nomads camped near the shore. Control will be given to the player and they can interact with the nomads. There will be one with whom you can trade and synthesize items. Others will talk about the Quicklands and crossing the Quicksea. They will tell you that the only way past the Quicksea is to either go around it or ride a sandworm across it. A party member mentions that it must be very dangerous to ride a sandworm. The player can explore the nomad's camp more until they are prepared to continue. Once ready, they will approach a nomad looking out at the Quicksea and a cutscene will show sandworms in the distance coming out of the sand and then diving back downwards. Arc will tell the man that they want to know how to ride a sandworm across the Quicksea and the nomad will explain how to catch and tame one. Afterwards the player will be prompted if they want to attempt catching one. Upon saying "yes", a dialogue box will appear explaining how to successfully catch and tame a sandworm. The party will walk out onto a large rock that just out into the quicksand, and as a sandworm passes by, they player must do the correct actions to latch onto the worm. If successful, they will then have to do the correct actions to tame it and control it. After this, a cutscene will show them riding on the sandworm over the surface of the Quicksea. All of a sudden there will be a great noise and a massive sandworm will emerge from the quicksand. This will be a boss fight and the player will have to fight the monster (called Sandwyrm) by jumping from riding worm onto the back of the one they're fighting and weakening a spot on the top of its head without being thrown off or knocked down. After weakening it enough, Finn (or Triss) will need to deliver a final blow with his greatsword (or spear) through the head. After its defeat, the party will fully regroup on the riding worm and the scene will fade to black. The next scene starts with them reaching the other side of the Quicksea and stepping off the sandworm. Control will be given to the player and a small group of nomads will be where they land and the player will be able to talk with them, but there won't be anything important to do there. Once they leave they will enter the World Map. From there the player must navigate them northeast to the city of Vaash. Once there, the player will be prompted to enter the city. Upon entering Vaash, there will be a cinematic montage revealing the city, the title "Great Trade City of Vaash" will appear and then fade. Arc will step forward and say to the party that they should find a ship headed across the ocean to Silverspire. Control is given to the player and they can explore the city. Here they can stock up on any weapons, items or armor, as well as stay at a local inn. Once the player reaches the docks, they will be able to find a Ghaazi merchant ship called "The Red Maiden" accepting passengers, headed for a place called Beryn. The party learns that it's hard to find passenger ships that sail to Silverspire because of its location but he can take them to Beryn, which is the closest they will be able to get by ship. They agree and board the ship. A cutscene will show the party boarding the ship as it fades to black.  
Chapter 12
The scene opens with the party on board the Red Maiden. There will be a cinematic reveal of the ship and its crew, the title "Merchant Ship 'The Red Maiden'" will appear and then fade. Control is given to the player and they will be free to roam the ship and interact with its crew and other passengers. Aboard the Red Maiden there is a wide variety of things to do, including minigames and optional quests. However, at any time, the player can skip these and be done with the ocean voyage by simply going below deck to the cabins and choosing to sleep.   MINIGAME 1: Blackjack (or other card game) - Below deck, the player can visit the mess hall and talk to a group of crew members playing blackjack. They will ask if you want to play. If the player chooses yes, they will sit down and a dialogue box will appear explaining the rules and how to play. Depending on how many games the player can win, they will be rewarded with different items. If they win 20 games, the player will win a rare and unique glaive for Arc that will have been hanging decoratively on the wall nearby.   MINIGAME 2: Fishing - Similar to the fishing quest on the ship to Foxwood, the player can approach a crew member fishing off the side of the ship. They will be asked if they would like to fish, if the player chooses 'yes', a dialogue box will appear and ask the player if they need a refresher on how to fish. Depending on how well they do, the player can catch up to 5 different kinds of fish and all of them can be used by Dyne in his cooking. If the player is lucky (not based on skill) they will eventually snag something and pull up an 'ancient blade' that Frith can use. If the player has the dalzanite hook from the last ship, they may be able to catch (based on skill) 'ancient compass' which the player can then sell for an extraordinary amount of money, or equip as an accessory that will give them a great increase in stats.   MINIGAME 3: Cooking - If the player goes below deck to the kitchen, they can speak to the chef who looks overworked and Dyne will ask if he needs help. If the player chooses to help the chef, Dyne will participate in the cooking game. In this minigame, the chef will explain that he has no time to explain everything he needs to make in detail and Dyne must refer to the note by the cauldron. When the player goes to read the note, a dialogue box will appear with all the terms the cook uses for certain meals or ingredients. After reading the note, you will hear the cook shouting out different orders and Dyne will need to run about the kitchen collecting the different ingredients and throwing them into the cauldron. If all is done successfully and to the chef's liking, Dyne will be awarded with awarded with "The Chef's Haversack", which will allow the player to carry more ingredients for cooking, and will also come with an assortment of meats, vegetables, fruits, and spices for Dyne to use in his cooking as well.   QUEST 1: Spar with the First Mate - If the player goes down to the mess hall, he will find the first mate in a ring having fighting competitions with other crew members. When asked about, the crew will tell the party that he's unmatched so far and even the captain himself can't beat him. The First Mate will challenge Finn (the strongest member of the party) promising that if he beats him, he'll reward him with something he prizes. If the player accepts the challenge, Finn will enter the ring and must defeat the first mate. However, this is not an ordinary battle, but instead will be dictated by how fast the player can input a series of button sequences (similar to this: with inputs corresponding to commands like punch, block, duck, attack, etc. In order to successfully defeat him, the player will need to beat him 3 times in a row. After beating him, he will congratulate Finn and reward him with an ornate tower shield that will drastically improve his defensive stats.   QUEST 2: Trading Quest - Similar to the trading quest on board the first ship to Foxwood, the player can participate in a trading game between the crew and passengers. To begin, the player must first speak to the captain, who will ask Arc if he could tell a specific crew member that he needs to speak with him. Upon finding said crew member and telling him, he will break down and get worried saying "The captain is an angry and violent man and I'm afraid he'll throw me overboard!" and he will ask you to give a note to another crew member (a note confessing his love for them) who is in a holding cell below deck. Take the note to the man in the holding cell and he will be thankful and ask you to go to his cabin and look under his bunk and find a peg leg, and then take the peg leg to the Quartermaster. Once you give the Quartermaster his peg leg, he will put it on and be joyful, as thanks he will give you a rolled up portrait of a woman. After this, if you speak to the First Mate, he will notice the portrait and say that it's of his wife and the Quartermaster stole it from him, he then gives you a key and asks you to free the man in the cell who took fall for taking the Quartermasters pegged leg. After freeing the man, he will run the Captain's chambers. Follow that freed man to the Captain's chamber and watch a scene play out where he admits his love for the first crew member summoned by the captain in hopes that he won't throw him overboard. The captain will say that he was promoting him and then dismisses them all. After this the captain will drop the key to his cabin. Take the key and enter his cabin, there the player can find a powerful spear for Triss and a unique and strong rapier for Cara.   Once the player decides to continue with the story or skip the voyage they can go below deck and choose to sleep in the bunks. After choosing this the scene will fade to black. The scene fades back in with the party on the main deck and the ship approaching Beryn. There will be a cinematic montage showing off the city and its surroundings. The title "Coastal City of Beryn" will appear and then fade. The ship will pull into the harbor and scene will show the party exiting the ship along with the other passengers and some crew. Frith will say that they should ask around town to find out the quickest route to Silverspire. Control is given to the player and they will be able to explore the city. Every kind of shop is available including a tailor where the party can buy some new outfits. If the player talks to people throughout the city they will say that the quickest method of travel to Silverspire is to rent a boat and sail down the Jekiro River  to Lake Skye where Silverspire is located. When the player is ready to move on they will need to find the boat rental hut located on the eastern edge of town. There they can rent a boat, after which a scene will occur of the party climbing into the boat and setting off down the river out the city. As they go the scene will fade to black. The scene will open on the World Map and the player will need to navigate the boat down the river until the scene fades. The scene will fade in with the party sailing down the river. It's getting darker and the party decides that they should stop for the night to camp. The scene then changes to the campsite all set up and people lounging around a fire. During this time, the player can cook with Dyne. Afterwards, there will be a scene with the party gathered around the fire, and Cara will begin to cry and apologize to everyone for everything. She says that it's her fault that all this has happened to them and that she never meant for anyone to get hurt, or imprisoned, or taken away from their homes and families. A discussion will happen and everyone will try to encourage her in their own ways. Frith will look upset and say nothing, but instead leaves to find more firewood. Cara sees him leave and begins to cry more saying that she wish she understood him more. Finn will try to explain how Frith feels (poorly) and then Frith will reappear and say that he needs help with something. The party follows him a little ways away until they come across a large riding bird known as a Fisher (looks similar to this: It's badly wounded and near motionless on the ground, if the player approaches it, it will try cry out and try to fight off the party member. Soon a local farmer appears and says that the Fisher is his and that he raises them on his farm/ranch nearby. He inspects the Fisher and sees the wound. He then asks the party if they'd be willing to help him catch a predator that has been killing his Fishers. The party agrees and follows him. The scene will fade and then open again with the party assembled outside the farmer's house. Frith will assign each party member with an area around the farm to guard and to shout for help as soon as they see the predator. The scene fades and then open to the area the Arc is guarding. Control is given to the player and they are free to roam their area. If they try to go past their area, they will say out loud that they should stick to the area that Frith marked out for them. At this point the player will need to switch between each party member until one of them sees the creature coming. It will be a large predatory mammal with menacing teeth and claws and will be able to move very quickly and it will show up to a randomly chosen party member. This is a difficult boss fight and requires up to 3 member to defeat. The fight will be successful dependent on how fast the other party members can arrive at the fight from their positions and how long the player can survive with only one party member fighting. However, once it is defeated, the party will gather and the farmer will be so delighted that he invites them to stay the night. The scene fades and opens again to the next morning. Arc will awaken and control will be given to the player. They can explore the farmer's house, eventually coming outside where the rest of the party is eating breakfast. He will sit down to join them and after a minute the farmer will come outside and tell them how happy he is that they got rid of the creature eating his Fishers. He asks what they want in return and Frith says that they would love a ride to Silverspire on the Fishers. The farmer immediately accepts. The scene fades and a cinematic will take place of the party mounting onto the back of the Fishers and taking off into the sky. The scene will fade to black as the fly away.
Plot type
Main Story Plot

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