Eagle's Talons Military Formation in Starkeeper | World Anvil

Eagle's Talons

Part of Columbia's Freedom Corps, the Eagle's Talons are an elite special operations force deployed to safeguard the Columbian nation and Americanist-style democracy in the cosmos.



Availing themselves of the Columbian government's full resources, Eagle's Talons operatives utilize advanced power armor, stealth gear, and sensor equipment.


Their preferred weapons are large-caliber Gauss guns backed up by pistols, knives, and can openers for their powersuits. For extreme situations, they have access to fission and fusion warheads in various yields.


Apart from their power armor, which can be something of a vehicle by itself, the Eagle's Talons do not actually have many vehicles of their own. They are a special operations force, not battlefield troops, and hence tend to focus on stealth instead of firepower. To that end, they often travel aboard other Columbian military vessels in order to maintain secrecy.


As with other special operations forces throughout human history, their training is harsh. Candidates, already having undergone military service, are put through a training regimen which, if done to enemy prisoners, would constitute a horrendous violation of international law. The specifics are not known, but it is suspected candidates are made to endure environments on the bare edge of survivability, are subject to extreme heat, cold, and vaccuum, and undergo mock interrogation sessions using real torture techniques. Serious injury is common and fatalities not unheard of, with candidates recieving extensive medical treatment to keep them functional. The vast majority of prospective members wash out in training, leaving a hardened core which is then inducted into the group.



There is no open recruitment for the Eagle's Talons, instead prospective candidates are invited to apply from other Columbian military services or, more rarely, other organizations such as police forces. Most of these candidates have served for a decent amount of time, reached high rank, and garnered a reputation for duty, valor, and following orders without question.


Along with the rest of the Freedom Corps, the Eagle's Talons date back to the American Federation before the Interstellar Dark Ages, and were "inherited" by the modern Columbian government. It is thought many of its leadership has remained the same all along, keeping alive through regular use of rejuvenation treatments. The foundation of the Stellar Compact reduced need for its expertise and has brought it into occasional disputes with Compact organizations such as the Existential Risks Directorate, which views the Talons as being too concerned with gaining advantages for Columbia to the point where they are willing to threaten international peace.
  Its exact operations in modern times are of course highly classified, but it has been used for counterterrorism activites throughout the Independent American States, and is thought to be involved in acquiring advanced Claver paleotechnology for the Columbian government.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
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Cover image: by Vertixico


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