Temple of Tekshla Building / Landmark in Şiv´ia | World Anvil
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Temple of Tekshla

The Temple of Tekshla, located in Vakya, is the most recognizable remnant of the pre-pantheon Elven religion of the islands. Tekshla, normally seen as the god of fertility and growth, is also commonly associated with healing and knowledge. As such, his temple is a hub for both magical and scientific healing practices.     The Temple in Vakya is the only pre-pantheon Tekshla Temple still standing, and has huge historical and cultural value to the Skovk people.

Purpose / Function

The Temple was first construct several million years ago to serve as a place of worship to the Skovk fertility god, Tekshla. Early on, powerful healers aligned with Tekshla began offering their services within the temple, as the proximity was said to make them even more powerful.     The first non-magical healers began operating there during the Kingdoms' invasion.     Following the liberation of Zal, the Temple was officially filed as a hospital, temple, healers' suite, and cultural site. The Temple is now the work place of thousands of Elves, Iather, and Fae who have devoted their lives to healing.


The original building was most likely made of stone and mud, like other contemporary centres of worship. Sometime during the first Unification, the Temple was rebuilt in the style of an Skovk castle.     The Temple was looted and desecrated during the Kingdoms' Invasion. After the liberation, it was rebuilt to better serve it's new purpose as a place of healing for all. Since liberation, many small projects have been carried out to ensure structural soundness, upkeep, and efficiency.     Most recently, a new wing has been added to the hospital portion, allowing for the treatment of 260 more patients at a time.


The building as it stands today consists of a main worship area at the centre |start|, with offices and other religious portions clustered around it. To the west there is a magical healing wing, which can treat up to 9,000 patients at a time. There is also a school of healing magic in the north wing. In the east wing is a non-magical hospital, which can treat up to 4,500 patients at a time. There is also a statue garden and historical centre on the grounds.


The Temple served as a primarily religious and magical building for most of it's existence. As an important symbol of Skovk culture, it was a major target during the Kingdoms' Invasion. Following the liberation of Zal, the temple was rebuilt and expanded to include non-magical healing, which was a bold move at the time. Now, the Temple of Tekshla represents both the history of Skovk and the cooperation of magical and non-magical medicine. Since the Temple's reconstruction, death rates on Zal have decreased by 3.95% and the average lifespan has increased by 12 years.
Alternative Names
The Temple, Tekshla's Halls, the Palace of the Healed
Temple / Religious complex

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