Chronicles of Mann - Book One: Year 9,305 by Chronicles of Mann | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

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Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1 - Blair 1 Chapter 2 - Hakon 1 Chapter 3 - Hakon 1.1 Chapter 4 - Magnus 1 Chapter 5 - Harald 1 Chapter 6 - Elinor 1 Chapter 7 - Cassandra 1 Chapter 8 - Warin 1 Chapter 9 - Hilda 1 Chapter 10 - Magnus 2 Chapter 11 - William 1 Chapter 12 - Galen 1 Chapter 13 - Hakon 2 Chapter 14 - William 2 Chapter 15 - Galen 2 Chapter 16 - Warin 2 Chapter 17 - Warin 2.1 Chapter 18 - Warin 2.2 Chapter 19 - Magnus 3 Chapter 20 - Warin 3 Chapter 21 - Harald 2 Chapter 22 - Galen 3 Chapter 23 - Hakon 3 Chapter 24 - Elinor 2 Chapter 25 - Blair 2 Chapter 26 - Galen 4 Chapter 27 - Elinor 2.1 Chapter 28 - Cassandra 2 Chapter 29 - Hilda 2 Chapter 30 - Hakon 4 Chapter 31 - Cassandra 3 Chapter 32 - Elinor 3 Chapter 33 - Galen 5 Chapter 34 - Hakon 5 Chapter 35 - Blair 3 Chapter 36 - Hilda 3 Chapter 37 - Warin 4 Chapter 38 - Galen 6 Chapter 39 - Elinor 4 Chapter 40 - Harald 3 Chapter 41 - William 3 Chapter 42 - Hilda 4 Chapter 43 - Hakon 6 Chapter 44 - Hilda 5 Chapter 45 - Galen 7 Chapter 46 - Magnus 4 Chapter 47 - Cassandra 4 Chapter 48 - Hilda 6 Chapter 49 - Blair 4 Hilda 6.1 Galen 8 Cassandra 5 Hakon 7 Hilda 7 William 4 Galen 9 Cassandra 6 Warin 5 Harald 4 Elinor 5 Hilda 8 Galen 10 Blair 5 Warin 6 Cassandra 7 Hilda 9 Warin 7 Hilda 10 Magnus 5 Harald 5 Warin 8 Galen 11 Hilda 11 Harald 6 Hilda 12 Warin 9 Elinor 6 Galen 12 Warin 10 Hilda 13 Cassandra 8 William 5 Warin 11 Elinor 7 Galen 13 Warin 12 Hakon 8 Cassandra 9 Elinor 7.1 Magnus 6 Blair 6 Magnus 7 Blair 7 Galen 14 Cassandra 10 Hakon 9 Hilda 14 Blair 8 Warin 13 Elinor 8 Magnus 8 Hakon 10 Cassandra 11 Warin 14 Elinor 9 Blair 9 Hilda 15 Magnus 9 Hilda 16 Blair 10 Magnus 10 Hakon 11 Galen 15 Elinor 10 Blair 11 Elinor 11 Blair 12 William 6 Harald 7 Magnus 11 Blair 13 Elinor 12 Hakon 12 Blair 14 Magnus 12 Cassandra 12 Harald 8 Elinor 13 Hakon 13 Blair 15 Magnus 13 Elinor 14 Hilda 17 Hakon 14 Magnus 14 Cassandra 13 Blair 16 Warin 15 Hakon 15 Magnus 15 Blair 17 Elinor 15 William 7 Hakon 16 Warin 16 Hilda 18 Blair 18 Harald 9 Galen 16 Hakon 17 Warin 17 Magnus 16 Cassandra 14 Blair 19 Hilda 19 Harald 10 Warin 18 William 8 Hakon 18 Warin 19 Elinor 16 Magnus 17 Warin 20 Hakon 19 Galen 17 Warin 21 Blair 20 Hilda 20 Harald 11 Cassandra 15 Galen 18 Warin 22 Blair 21 William 9 Blair 22 Elinor 17 Hakon 20 Magnus 18 Blair 23 William 10 Elinor 18 Magnus 19 Hilda 21 Blair 24 Hakon 21 Harald 12 Cassandra 16 Warin 23 Harald 12.1 Blair 25 Galen 19 Elinor 19 Cassandra 17 Hilda 22 William 11 Warin 24 William 12 Warin 25 Harald 13 William 13 Hilda 23 Harald 14 William 14 Hilda 24 William 15 Harald 15 Hilda 25 William 16 Harald 16 Elinor 20 William 17 William 18 Galen 20 Hakon 22 William 19 Cassandra 18 Magnus 20 William 20 Harald 17 William 21 Harald 18 Cassandra 19 Harald 19 Harald 20 Hakon 23 William 22 Cassandra 20 Galen 21 William 23 Galen 22 William 24 Harald 21 Hakon 24

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Hakon 7

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Another day and quarantine would be over. The two weeks in orbit of the world of Jom felt twice as long as the almost two weeks from Starcrown to the Jom System across the Old Ruins. Time just seemed to go differently traveling the stars compared to waiting in orbit.

Frea had been offered the position of Guard in the third fire team. A position which the companion had asked him to take multiple times. A position he did not care nor seek.

He had been glad when Frea had been offered it. It would allow Hakon to keep a better eye on the rightful king of Highpass. She deserved it as well.

With the promotion came several pins granted from the higher ups for her part in finding the vault. Hakon had refused such honors.

The findings in the vault proved a valuable profit for them all. After all parties of the Jom got their cut they were each looking at more than a hundred thousand credit bonus.

Hakon had refused all credit for the find and gladly let Frea take credit for it. She used it well as it became the leading haul of loot taken by the ‘Axetooth’.

Experts in the legions had guessed that it had all been worth millions at least. Even when the ‘Axetooth’ rejoined the rest of the Legion it had remained the largest single haul of treasure.

The retinue became famous in the Legion, and the already famous name of Frea Belle Ash Dawn helped to spread the gossip. 

Every member of the legion would get their own cut of the plunder but each retinue and unit would get a higher cut based on who claimed it. When the plunder was sold at port or Jom they would each become rich and every member of the ‘Axetooth’ would also become quite wealthy well the other members of the legion would receive a nice bonus.

Hakon will not have seen that many credits in his account since his incomes from Highgard were cut off after the death of King Rodger Ash and his own flight into exile and his service in the Jom, and oath to Frea.

Hakon didn’t need the credits. He had long since learned to live off little and found it more enjoyable. He would upgrade his tool kit, but his weapon and armor were among the best money could buy in Furse Space. His father, grandfather, and great grandmother had all worn in. Ten generations of Ashworths had built and upgraded the power armor.

Customs officers in the Jom System had figured that the haul was worth more than 800 millions while they tallied the total haul of the legion at more than twenty billion not counting the credits made by the contract itself. It was a more than fine haul for any contract in Bolgar Space.

West and south were where the real wealth was made. Thousands had  made their names raiding Fabian Space and beyond, and those who returned back to Furse Space had wealth beyond belief. The Commonwealth of Drala and other nations of Drala had become a favorite spot for raiders so much that the old kingdoms had fallen and new furse kingdoms had risen in their place among the locals.

The real wealth was found in the Kingdom of the Salians in old Tutha Space or the Kingdom of Talus in Old Fabian Space. Still, twenty billion was not a small thing, and each member would be well taken care of after the Jom got their cut.

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