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Kaitlin Scott | Member Since 28 Apr, 2021
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Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. - Dalai Lama XIV

Interests & Hobbies

Writing obviously. Reading...another huge interest of mine. Sometimes doing nothing, just enjoying the feel of nothing for a change. Hearing my children laugh. Watching my dog get exited and playful. Spending time near the water. Just the simple stuff.

Favorite Movies

The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, The Labyrinth...but I don't just watch the classics. I love the MCU!!! Live Free or Die Harder always makes me laugh.

Favorite TV Series

You haven't watched a great show until you have watched the BBC Sherlock Holmes on Netflix with Benedict Cumberbatch! He is so funny! Also super excited that Stabler is back on Law and Order with his own show, Organized Crime and I hope he stays around for awhile. There is also a new show on Fox called The Moodys that I find stupid funny because Dennis Leary is one of my favorite guys!

Favorite Books

I have so many that I can't even narrow it down. Where do you start? Pride and Prejudice will always be my timeless favorite. The Vampire Armand was the book that had me hooked on Anne Rice...I mean obsessed, I bought every book I could get my hands on and the moment her son started publishing I read his as well and I love his work! Light Before Day was so good! I fell in to the Twilight BOOK craze, and shortly after picked up the Vampire Academy series when only the first 3 had been released. I had never been more anxious for a book release than I was for book number 4 and then 5 and then 6. So good! Mortal Instruments and the spin-off series were repeat reads for me. And really can anyone stop reading the Throne of Glass saga? I read all 9 of them every time I re-read it. I have read all of these books so many times. No wonder I haven't read a new book in a while haha.

Favorite Writers

So yeah, I think we have already established this one right. Richelle Mead, Anne and Christopher Rice, Cassandra Clare, Sarah J. Mass, Jane Austen. Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorite writer of poems and short stories. The way he crafts his words. I just fall in love with even his creepiest of tales.

Favorite Games

Super Mario Bros. and Mario Bros. 3! I will not budge these are the best games ever! I'm totally old school. I'm talking I can whoop some ass on Paper Boy, Sonic...give me a minute to warm up and I got you on Crash Bandicoot and MegaMan. Don't ask me to play Call of Duty or anything else. My husband, bless his heart, would ask me, I think just because he liked it when I played the game with him, and we started off at the same spot but um...I don't know what happened after that. But I do know I didn't know where I was, I never got to him in time, he always died first because I was lost somewhere, I couldn't shoot the broad side of the barn and we laughed most of the time. Oh, but I whooped his ass in Mortal Kombat. He may have had me in Street Fighter, but that's another story for another time. I'm not a huge gamer, but I wish I knew code so I could make worlds and characters like the ones from these new games today. Graphics today are amazing!