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Kerem Başkaya | Member Since 21 May, 2021
1 Followers 2472 Page views 2 Likes

My name is Kerem Başkaya. I am Turkish, living in Istanbul. I've raised in a society which has almost no interest in fantasy or sci-fi genres. To be honest, i am not a pure sci-fi or fantasy fan. I loved the ideas, concepts and freedom it held, but what i loved most about it was its tendency to push one to think in a new way. I think building a world, creating out of nothing is like learning a new language, ultra fictitious works pushes someone into thinking in a new way which could contribute to their own life. In that regard, i want to build a convincing, explainable world which might interest non-sci fi and non-fantasy fans also.   I don't think i'm going to build more than one world. It is a world which i've been building since i was 17 and i know it will take many other forms. Maybe it won't be as interesting as i want, but i enjoy it and i believe building it, pushes me into learning new things and help me widen my perspective on life. I hope that would be the case for everyone else who try to make something out of nothing.

Interests & Hobbies

Video Editing, Sound mixing, Photography, Music Composing, western medieval and classical history...

Favorite Movies

Lord of the rings trilogy(Peter Jackson) One flew over the cuckoos nest(Milos Forman) Dog Day Afternoon(Sidney Lumet) Up(Pete Docter, Bob Peterson) Hurt Locker(Kathryn Bigelow) Goodfellas(Martin Scorsese) Inglorious Bastards(Quentin Tarantino)

Favorite TV Series

Chernobly Breakin Bad Fleabag Sopranoes Love, Death, Robots Invincible Rome It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia Futurama

Favorite Books

Kite Runner(Khaled Hosseini) The Alchemist(Paula Coelho) A young Doctors Notebook(Mikhail Bulgakov) Animal Farm(George Orwell) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(Douglas Adams) Lord of the Rings(J.R.R Tolkien) Foundation(Isaac Asimov)

Favorite Writers

Douglas Adams Mikhail Bulgakov George Orwell William Golding Fyodor Dostoyevski Ray Bradbury Aziz Nesin

Favorite Games

Rimworld Witcher 3 Kingdom Come: Deliverance Age of empires 2