Foxyowlet Author's page | World Anvil

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Member Since 12 Sep, 2018
2 Followers 39079 Page views 29 Likes

I have worlds I need to get out of my head and write, I am also terrible at organizing. Hopefully this can help!
If I seem inactive, I may have lost the motivation to write, or I'm off doing something else. Though if a group of things suddenly pops up for my world that might also be why.
I may have also gotten lost in my many notes. Which are in dire need of proper organization, as well as a few rewrites.

And because I can't just pop the username in for this one: I am on Buzzly! Buzzly

Interests & Hobbies

Reading, writing, and world building (obviously, if I'm here), drawing. I tend to favor fantasy and sci-fi stuff. Music, various games, particularly ones where I get to race around at high speeds. Total speed demon here, though slower paced ones are also nice. Dragons, owls, other birds of prey, hummingbirds, cats, other adorable fluffy creatures.